Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.”
Matthew 25:40

Don’t miss this television interview with David Simms, Managing Partner and Founder at Talanton, on Today's News and Biblical Views. Rob Fields, WBPH TV 60 Co-Host, interviews David to learn more about Talanton and why job creation through businesses is the solution to poverty.
In this interview, David and Rob will also explore:
The importance of David’s first week at Harvard University
Insights about poverty in other countries
How flowers can create 10,000 jobs in Kenya and help us eat organic food
Where more than 60% of all jobs are created in the US and across the globe

Talanton invests in faith-driven, growth-stage businesses with annual revenues of $500k - $5MM in developing countries to create jobs, bring Hope and transform lives.
Please prayerfully consider the financial, spiritual and social impacts that you can create for “the least of these” through Talanton.
Gods blessings,
David and the Talanton Team
P.S. If your income is $33,500 or more, you are in the top 5% of all income earners on the planet. So let’s prayerfully consider what we are doing with the Talents that God has entrusted to us.
To learn how you can help transform lives and bring people Hope, please contact me directly or visit our new website
Create Jobs • Bring Hope • Transform Lives