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The Talanton Team has carefully selected books, reports and other publications to support our Impact Investing community. Navigate these in the publications tab. For a list of key players in the Impact Investing space, use the network tab.




A 2017 report by The University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business.

The African Investing for Impact (AIFI) Barometer provides a snapshot of the growing investing for impact (IFI) market and strategies which are implemented on the African continent.


Read or download the report here 


How Women and Men Approach Impact Investing September 22, 2018

A May 2018 report from the IUPUI Women’s Philanthropy Institute


Read or download the report here 


Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo September 7, 2018

There has been some level of criticism of this book, however we have found it to be an extraordinarily challenging read and would recommend it to anyone wanting to make a real difference in the developing world. Moyo argues in a compelling way that investment, rather than aid, is what is needed to lift sub-Saharan Africa out of poverty.


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Poor Economics by Banerjee and Duflo September 7, 2018

A brilliant analysis of myriad interventions designed to lift people out of poverty. With a strong attempt to be fact based, this book challenges the notion that micro-enterprises alone can lift people out of poverty. Clearly micro-enterprises have a role to play, but this book puts creating quality jobs right in the spotlight of lifting people out of poverty. An MBA and undergraduate standard, the audio-book is also a great version.


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Factfulness by Hans Rosling September 7, 2018

A very insightful look at the amazing progress the world has made over the past 50 years. This book is not in any way arguing that there is not more work to do. Rather, it is a powerful argument to base our decisions on fact so that we can focus resources on where they produce the most results. Do the quiz in the opening chapter and be surprised at how much we have evolved!


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Dethroning Mammon by Justin Welby September 7, 2018

By no means a textbook on investing in the developing world. This short, easy to read but extraordinarily challenging look at a biblical perspective on the use of the money we have been called to steward is an eye opener. Welby (the current Archbishop of Canterbury) shows how we end up valuing or being controlled by money in a very non-biblical way, then exhorts us to consider generosity and using the wealth we have to bring us real joy.


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Emerging social enterprise ecosystems in East and South African countries August 31, 2018

This World Bank Publication offers an in depth diagnostic of social enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa. They analyze Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.


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Impact Investment in Africa: Trends, Constraints and Opportunities August 31, 2018

A UNDP publication taking a comprehensive and clear look at the state of impact investing on the African continent. Although it is a few years old, it highlights trends that have since taken off and outlines challenges that are still obstacles on the continent.


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Report on US Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing Trends August 31, 2018

Although the 2018 version is in production, 2016 is available for download here.


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Impact Investing 101 (by Fidelity) August 31, 2018

A short and graphic deck for those wanting to learn impact investing basics


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IRIS by GIIN September 7, 2018


IRIS is an initiative of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing. The GIIN recognizes impact measurement as a core characteristic of impact investing and offers IRIS as a free public good to support transparency, credibility, and accountability in impact measurement practices across the impact investment industry.


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Impact Alpha September 7, 2018


ImpactAlpha is a digital business journalism platform centered around social and environmental value. Their daily newsletter is read by over 25,000 professionals and influencers worldwide. Also their open database, ImpactSpace, aka “CrunchBase for Impact,” includes profiles on more than 10,000 impact ventures, funds and deals.


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Aspen Network of Development Experts August 31, 2018


The Aspen Institute is well known for it’s Idea Festivals and publications on topics relevant to modern global issues. The Aspen Network of Development Experts (ANDE) the subsidiary of the Aspen Institute that focuses on small-to-medium sized company impact investing and development work. ANDE holds regional and global conferences on impact investing and working with entrepreneurs. They facilitate a grants program in partnership with large foundations that focus on innovation within the SME investing space.


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The Stanford Social Innovation Review August 31, 2018


This journal and website is now well established as a thought leader in the impact investing and social entrepreneurship space. There are relevant articles from leading academics and practitioners.You will always find relevant information and thought provoking articles in this journal.


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The Global Impact Investing Network August 31, 2018


GIIN has always been the frontrunner with all things impact investing. Their membership is broad, however their focus remains squarely on impact investing in challenging contexts. They manage the industry standard in impact measurements, called IRIS. Their website is always up-to-date and contains cutting edge stories and articles.


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Impact Space August 31, 2018


ImpactSpace tracks investments in solutions to environmental and social challenges.


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Impact Base August 31, 2018


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ImpactBase is the searchable, online database of impact investment funds and products designed for investors. Fund or product profiles published on ImpactBase gain exposure to the global impact investing community.


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