“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
This has been an exciting time for Talanton!
Thanks to our supporters and with God’s grace, the number of full-time employees, part-time/seasonal workers and smallholder farmers at our investments in East Africa has significantly increased during 2020 and in spite of Covid.
We continue to add new high-growth, high-impact investments and pipeline opportunities. With two prospective businesses nearing the end of our extensive due diligence process, we soon expect to be fully invested – and hence looking to add capital now.
In November, we shared a 360-degree virtual reality trip to Kentegra, one of Talanton’s investments in Kenya. We filmed and produced this series of virtual reality videos to show you firsthand the value of this investment and the many thousands of lives transformed through Talanton and our supporters.
In December, we were profiled on a half-hour television program! It was a privilege to share our mission and work in this important media.
In January, we were excited to add Rabboni, an additional investment, this time in Uganda. We are currently working on another exciting virtual reality experience to share with you later this Spring. In the absence of actual travel, it’s the next best thing to being there.
Read on for highlights about thousands of lives supported and transformed through Talanton’s current investments.

Talanton now has investments in four East African countries.
Talanton currently has investments in four East African countries, including Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. We meet with the faith-driven leaders and management teams of these businesses for prayer and to provide business support, strategic direction and encouragement. We are on the boards or are advisors for all of our clients.
An essential distinction between Talanton and many other investment funds is that our commitment to support these businesses goes beyond financial. We contribute a large dose of technical assistance, mentoring, and coaching to the businesses and their leadership teams. Deep relationships enhance the ability to jointly deliver results.
EducorEarly Childhood Education School System in Kenya.

An 11-year-old Educor student has written a book, the first in an animal book series. The moral of the story is not to trick others, to always be kind, and that we all need good friends. This is another example of how the Educor investment has far-reaching impacts, both now and in the future.
Good news! Schools in Kenya are now open after being shut down suddenly last March by the Kenyan government due to Covid. Talanton and our supporters provided payroll protection for 80% of the teachers/staff, which has had a tremendous impact on families and communities, plus enabled in-home and online learning. Harry Turner, Talanton Partner, is on the Board of Directors and serves as a mentor to Prisca Muyodi, Educor’s Founder/Owner.
Kentegra Biotechnology HoldingsBiotechnology firm in Kenya that produces pyrethrum pale refined extract from chrysanthemum flowers for use as an effective organic pesticide.

Kentegra currently supports 8,000 chrysanthemum farmers 62 full-time workers and 108 seasonal workers.
Kentegra field staff has provided training to thousands of farmers to improve yields. The market premium being paid to these chrysanthemum smallholder farmers is currently well above what is paid for other crops. In addition to exporting pyrethrum globally, Kentegra sells a product called pyrethrum marc (pymarc) both locally and to Japan as an animal feed. Jon Halverson, Talanton Partner, is on the Kentegra Board, serving as a business and spiritual advisor to Kentegra's management team. Kentegra is the business featured in Talanton’s 360-degree virtual reality trip.
Long Miles Coffee (LMC)Producer and exporter of specialty coffee from Burundi to craft roasters worldwide.

LMC currently supports nearly 3,000 smallholder coffee farmers plus 67 full-time and hundreds of seasonal workers, impacting more than 38 communities in Burundi alone.
LMC’s scouts are trained agronomists who educate farmers in coffee growing and best practices, plus work with the families. LMC is scaling up operations in Kenya and Uganda while continuing to scale in Burundi. Jon Halverson regularly meets with Ben Carlson, Founder and CEO, for prayer and to help set direction and provide guidance.
Masaka CreameryHigh-quality dairy processing business in Rwanda.

Half of Masaka’s 41 full-time workers are Deaf. The company supports
more than 2,000 dairy farmers, who love helping the Deaf through business.
Masaka purchases raw milk from more than 2,000 farmers to produce yogurt, butter, cream and other dairy products, then distributes them to domestic retailers, restaurants and hotels. Jon Halverson meets regularly with Jon Porter, Masaka Founder and Owner, for business and spiritual support.

Talanton Profiled on TV David Simms, Founder and Managing Partner of Talanton, was interviewed on Today’s News and Biblical Views by Rob Fields, WBPH TV 60 Co-Host. You can watch the 1-minute trailer and full interview on Talanton’s new website to learn more about David’s first week at Harvard, Talanton’s conception, and why creating jobs through business is the solution to eliminate poverty.
Our New Website Be sure to visit and share our new website www.talantonllc.com. We will continue to refresh the site with new content, images and life-changing stories.
Kingdom Impact Investing Panel Jon Halverson was one of three industry leaders selected for this topical panel. Jon shared Talanton’s vision for investing with excellence and kingdom impact at Impact Consulting & Distribution’s November webinar.
360-Degree Virtual Reality Trip to Visit a Talanton Investment Learn how flowers can create many thousands of jobs in Kenya. See firsthand how your support is transforming lives and bringing Hope through job creation at Kentegra. Drive through Nairobi and into the country to visit chrysanthemum farmers at their farms and the market. Don’t miss this series of short, impactful virtual reality videos. Be sure to move your cursor, mobile phone or iPad around as you watch the videos for the full virtual reality experience.
We hope you and your families are healthy and safe.
God’s Blessings,
David and the Talanton Team
P.S. Talanton’s next investment cycle closes on March 31. For donor-advised fund (DAF) holders and qualified clients, please contact us to learn how you can bring Hope and transform lives across East Africa.